In order to enter 3 images, follow the 3 steps:
Step 1
Download the Submission Form:
The form is available in 3 different formats: .docx, .odt and .pdf
Choose your favorite format and fill it in.
Step 2
Prepare your files as follows:
Photography entries must be in digital format with the following technical specifications:
• Accepted file formats: JPG, TIFF
• Resolution: 300dpi
• Size: Images must be sized to 3000px minimum on the longest side.
• Images file name: The file must be titled with the photographer’s last name and a sequential image number. For example: yourlastname_01.jpg
If for any reason it is not possible to send your images with those technical specifications at the moment of applying to the open call, you may first enter with a lower resolution file if you make sure that if selected for the exhibition, your higher resolution files will be ready to send right after the reception of the email with the list of the selected artists.​
Send your file together with the submission form through to the following email address:
Write your complete name as a title (First name + Last name).
Step 3
To finalize your entry, fill in this last form and make the payment of 10 euros: