How to enter?
Submit 1 to 3 images embracing the theme - FREE ENTRY
Step 1
Download the Submission Form:
submission form submission form submission form
(.docx) (.odt) (.pdf)
Fill in the form and send it as an attachment to the following address:
Applications that don’t include the filled form will not be considered.
The form is available in 3 different formats: .docx, .odt and pdf
If for some reason you cannot work with one of those files, please copy and paste all the required informations and write your answers directly in the text of your email. If you chose this option, make sure you answered to all the required fields.
Please write the email subject as follows: "Urban Challenges" + Your Complete Name
Step 2
Prepare your pictures (1 to 3 maximum) as follow:
Photography entries must be in digital format with the following technical specifications:
• Accepted file formats: JPG, TIFF
• Minimum resolution: 300dpi
• Size: Images must be sized to 3000px minimum on the longest side. Please send your file in the highest possible size and resolution!
• Image file names: The files must be titled with the photographer’s last name and a sequential image number. For example: yourlastname_01.jpg
! Please respect the technical specifications !
Send your files through to the same email address:
If any of your files (including the Submission Form) is too big for an attachment, please send them through and NOT Google Drive
That's it!
Do you have a more important body of work and do you think that a selection of 3 images doesn't do it justice? For this open call, we decided to add an option to enter series as well. In this case your submission should work as a group, thematically or aesthetically. The procedure to submit includes one more step than for single images.
Click here to know more about it: